
  • Grapefruit, Honey & Ginger Non Alcoholic Fruit Shrub
    • Non Alcoholic Shrubs
    Grapefruit, Honey & Ginger Non Alcoholic Fruit Shrub

    We've made a zingy vinegar from distilled orange spirit and blended it with pink grapefruit, honey and ginger. Non of...

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    Regular price £20.00
    Regular price Sale price £20.00
    0% ABV, 50cl
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  • Garlic Vinegar
    • Treguddick Preserves
    Garlic Vinegar

    This very special product allows you to use garlic in an incredibly stable form. This clear vinegar packs a punch...

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    Regular price £12.00
    Regular price Sale price £12.00
    0% ABV, 35cl
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  • Cucumber Spirit
    • Spirits
    Award winning
    Cucumber Spirit

    Not a cucumber vodka, or a cucumber gin; but a Cucumber Spirit in its own class: summer in a sip....

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    Regular price £42.00
    Regular price Sale price £42.00
    42% ABV, 50cl
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  • 5 Year Old 'Old Salt Rum'
    • Rum
    • Spirits
    Limited edition
    Award winning
    5 Year Old 'Old Salt Rum'

    The first rum ever distilled and distributed here in the UK. If we were going to distil a rum here...

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    Regular price £60.00
    Regular price Sale price £60.00
    42% ABV, 50cl
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