Introducing No.17 Damson Liqueur...and why Dr J has such a fondness of damsons when it comes to distilling and macerating.

Now we are very familiar with sweet liqueurs - but these didn’t gain steam until sugar was a thing and that took off in Europe in the 16th century.

Liqueurs are absolutely fascinating and delicious - and frequently maligned!

Its unique flavour of bitter celery combined with light anise has added a seductive charm to many a sauce, broth, stew or meal

It might at first seem a toosh strange, but it is divine. Somewhere between Night Scented Stock meets Palma Violets! Let’s step right in

We’ve waxed lyrical over the years of how our limongino is distinct from - and in our humble opinion - better than - limoncello.

In 2011 my rum adventure began simply by wondering why no one - and I mean no one - was making any British rum. It took the

There’s a vast dense cloud of gas and dust, called Sagittarius B2 (about 25,000 light years away). And this cloud is a cocktail of booze!