Where lavender and thyme abound, sweet dreams, the fairies say, are found.

  • Distilling
  • lavender
  • liqueur
  • treguddick
Where lavender and thyme abound, sweet dreams, the fairies say, are found.

It might at first seem a toosh strange, but it is divine. Somewhere between Night Scented Stock meets Palma Violets! Let’s step right in.

The origins of Lavender are - as they say - lost in the tangles of time - but the Med, Middle East and India, to narrow it down not at all, is the mixed-bag current view.

The intertwining of us with lavender shares a common path that many a nice smelling plant has shuffled as the ages seep on:

The ancient Egyptians embalmed and made mummies and the still living smell better with it. The Greeks and Romans loved bathing with it, so much so that’s where its name has its roots (“lavare” to wash). Of course, some quack had to use it as a panacea and so they did.

Medieval Europe continued its use in perfume and meds, but it is here where it made its first gentle foray into the culinary world, flavouring the occasional dish and also teas!

The Victorians kept on sniffing it and started the modern fashion of using it to assist relaxation and sleep.

Nowadays it's deployed in diverse uses, from aromatherapy to cosmetics, hygiene products, teas, baked goods, savoury dishes and yes - alcoholic drinks! Cue us!

It's an enchanting elemental, soothing and calm sip.

Take lavender and distill, gently placing in a swirl of finest earthy citrus gin to augment its charms and there you have it.

My preference is a few torn mint leaves, a palmful of ice cubes, a generous glug of LGL, soda water to fizz, swirl and sip. That’s rude of me, I should have slipped a cheers in there somewhere; belatedly, cheers!

Out of season perhaps, but a moment of spine-tingling loveliness and a calming, soothing pause is always a la mode.


Dr. J.

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